The SetLocale function sets the LCID (locale ID).
There is one mandatory argument, the LCID, which is a short string,
decimal value, or hex value that uniquely identifies a geographic
locale. The various geographic locales are based upon the user's
language, country, and culture. For example, the locale "English -
United States" can be designated as either "en-us", or "1033", or
This locale information is used to establish user preferences and
formats for such things as alphabets, currency, dates, keyboard layout,
and numbers. A list of these locales, and their return values, can be found in the table below.
Locale ID (LCID) Reference
Locale Description | Short String | Hex Value | Decimal Value |
Afrikaans | af | 0x0436 | 1078 |
Albanian | sq | 0x041C | 1052 |
Arabic - U.A.E. | ar-ae | 0x3801 | 14337 |
Arabic - Bahrain | ar-bh | 0x3C01 | 15361 |
Arabic - Algeria | ar-dz | 0x1401 | 5121 |
Arabic - Egypt | ar-eg | 0x0C01 | 3073 |
Arabic - Iraq | ar-iq | 0x0801 | 2049 |
Arabic - Jordan | ar-jo | 0x2C01 | 11265 |
Arabic - Kuwait | ar-kw | 0x3401 | 13313 |
Arabic - Lebanon | ar-lb | 0x3001 | 12289 |
Arabic - Libya | ar-ly | 0x1001 | 4097 |
Arabic - Morocco | ar-ma | 0x1801 | 6145 |
Arabic - Oman | ar-om | 0x2001 | 8193 |
Arabic - Qatar | ar-qa | 0x4001 | 16385 |
Arabic - Saudia Arabia | ar-sa | 0x0401 | 1025 |
Arabic - Syria | ar-sy | 0x2801 | 10241 |
Arabic - Tunisia | ar-tn | 0x1C01 | 7169 |
Arabic - Yemen | ar-ye | 0x2401 | 9217 |
Basque | eu | 0x042D | 1069 |
Belarusian | be | 0x0423 | 1059 |
Bulgarian | bg | 0x0402 | 1026 |
Catalan | ca | 0x0403 | 1027 |
Chinese | zh | 0x0004 | 4 |
Chinese - PRC | zh-cn | 0x0804 | 2052 |
Chinese - Hong Kong | zh-hk | 0x0C04 | 3076 |
Chinese - Singapore | zh-sg | 0x1004 | 4100 |
Chinese - Taiwan | zh-tw | 0x0404 | 1028 |
Croatian | hr | 0x041A | 1050 |
Czech | cs | 0x0405 | 1029 |
Danish | da | 0x0406 | 1030 |
Dutch | nl | 0x0413 | 1043 |
Dutch - Belgium | nl-be | 0x0813 | 2067 |
English | en | 0x0009 | 9 |
English - Australia | en-au | 0x0C09 | 3081 |
English - Belize | en-bz | 0x2809 | 10249 |
English - Canada | en-ca | 0x1009 | 4105 |
English - Ireland | en-ie | 0x1809 | 6153 |
English - Jamaica | en-jm | 0x2009 | 8201 |
English - New Zealand | en-nz | 0x1409 | 5129 |
English - South Africa | en-za | 0x1C09 | 7177 |
English - Trinidad | en-tt | 0x2C09 | 11273 |
English - United Kingdom | en-gb | 0x0809 | 2057 |
English - United States | en-us | 0x0409 | 1033 |
Estonian | et | 0x0425 | 1061 |
Farsi | fa | 0x0429 | 1065 |
Finnish | fi | 0x040B | 1035 |
Faeroese | fo | 0x0438 | 1080 |
French - Standard | fr | 0x040C | 1036 |
French - Belgium | fr-be | 0x080C | 2060 |
French - Canada | fr-ca | 0x0C0C | 3084 |
French - Luxembourg | fr-lu | 0x140C | 5132 |
French - Switzerland | fr-ch | 0x100C | 4108 |
Gaelic - Scotland | gd | 0x043C | 1084 |
German - Standard | de | 0x0407 | 1031 |
German - Austrian | de-at | 0x0C07 | 3079 |
German - Lichtenstein | de-li | 0x1407 | 5127 |
German - Luxembourg | de-lu | 0x1007 | 4103 |
German - Switzerland | de-ch | 0x0807 | 2055 |
Greek | el | 0x0408 | 1032 |
Hebrew | he | 0x040D | 1037 |
Hindi | hi | 0x0439 | 1081 |
Hungarian | hu | 0x040E | 1038 |
Icelandic | is | 0x040F | 1039 |
Indonesian | in | 0x0421 | 1057 |
Italian - Standard | it | 0x0410 | 1040 |
Italian - Switzerland | it-ch | 0x0810 | 2064 |
Japanese | ja | 0x0411 | 1041 |
Korean | ko | 0x0412 | 1042 |
Latvian | lv | 0x0426 | 1062 |
Lithuanian | lt | 0x0427 | 1063 |
Macedonian | mk | 0x042F | 1071 |
Malay - Malaysia | ms | 0x043E | 1086 |
Maltese | mt | 0x043A | 1082 |
Norwegian - Bokmål | no | 0x0414 | 1044 |
Polish | pl | 0x0415 | 1045 |
Portuguese - Standard | pt | 0x0816 | 2070 |
Portuguese - Brazil | pt-br | 0x0416 | 1046 |
Raeto-Romance | rm | 0x0417 | 1047 |
Romanian | ro | 0x0418 | 1048 |
Romanian - Moldova | ro-mo | 0x0818 | 2072 |
Russian | ru | 0x0419 | 1049 |
Russian - Moldova | ru-mo | 0x0819 | 2073 |
Serbian - Cyrillic | sr | 0x0C1A | 3098 |
Setsuana | tn | 0x0432 | 1074 |
Slovenian | sl | 0x0424 | 1060 |
Slovak | sk | 0x041B | 1051 |
Sorbian | sb | 0x042E | 1070 |
Spanish - Standard | es | 0x040A | 1034 |
Spanish - Argentina | es-ar | 0x2C0A | 11274 |
Spanish - Bolivia | es-bo | 0x400A | 16394 |
Spanish - Chile | es-cl | 0x340A | 13322 |
Spanish - Columbia | es-co | 0x240A | 9226 |
Spanish - Costa Rica | es-cr | 0x140A | 5130 |
Spanish - Dominican Republic | es-do | 0x1C0A | 7178 |
Spanish - Ecuador | es-ec | 0x300A | 12298 |
Spanish - Guatemala | es-gt | 0x100A | 4106 |
Spanish - Honduras | es-hn | 0x480A | 18442 |
Spanish - Mexico | es-mx | 0x080A | 2058 |
Spanish - Nicaragua | es-ni | 0x4C0A | 19466 |
Spanish - Panama | es-pa | 0x180A | 6154 |
Spanish - Peru | es-pe | 0x280A | 10250 |
Spanish - Puerto Rico | es-pr | 0x500A | 20490 |
Spanish - Paraguay | es-py | 0x3C0A | 15370 |
Spanish - El Salvador | es-sv | 0x440A | 17418 |
Spanish - Uruguay | es-uy | 0x380A | 14346 |
Spanish - Venezuela | es-ve | 0x200A | 8202 |
Sutu | sx | 0x0430 | 1072 |
Swedish | sv | 0x041D | 1053 |
Swedish - Finland | sv-fi | 0x081D | 2077 |
Thai | th | 0x041E | 1054 |
Turkish | tr | 0x041F | 1055 |
Tsonga | ts | 0x0431 | 1073 |
Ukranian | uk | 0x0422 | 1058 |
Urdu - Pakistan | ur | 0x0420 | 1056 |
Vietnamese | vi | 0x042A | 1066 |
Xhosa | xh | 0x0434 | 1076 |
Yiddish | ji | 0x043D | 1085 |
Zulu | zu | 0x0435 | 1077 |
<% =SetLocale(0) %>